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How to unblock Facebook at school

How to unblock facebook at school

There are a lot of reasons to want Facebook unblocked at school. Maybe you need it for work or just want some extra studying time, but regardless – we’ll show how simple this process is! Don’t let your friends and family fall out of touch with each other because you can’t access Facebook. If school is blocking the site, don’t worry! We’ll show how to unblock Facebook at school easily. You will learn this and more in this article so that everyone will have access to stay connected no matter how bad the block of facebook at school may seem.

Reasons Why Schools Block Facebook

It’s a question that is puzzling parents and students everywhere – how to unblock Facebook at school. Despite the world wide web being the most widely used source for information ever created, many schools have it blocked from their Wi-Fi networks.

The idea behind this restriction is to stop students from goofing off on Facebook instead of paying attention in class, that’s why it should come in handy to know how to use Facebook on school wifi. However, it seems like a very lazy way out of a problem that needs a more creative solution – not to mention that there are better ways exist to solve or prevent cyberbullying, which is usually what they blame as one of the reasons for such ban on social media.

What some schools don’t realize though is that they do more harm than good by blocking Facebook at school Wi-Fi networks. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2013 found that not only does blocking Facebook not stop students from using it, but it also pushes them to use their phones or other devices to access the site.

In other words, by blocking Facebook, schools are only making it more difficult for students to stay connected to their friends and the outside world. This can have a negative impact on their studies, as they will be less likely to focus in class if they’re feeling socially isolated.

On another note, while the main reasoning behind that is sound you still need to know how to unblock Facebook as it’s not always so simple. The faculty at your school is running slow because of all the bandwidth congestion on Facebook.

The social media site has become a major source for people to surf, share pictures with friends and family members as well as chat about what’s going to happen in their lives online – but it also uses up valuable resources such as those who have access or manage content through platforms like Instagram Stories which allow users short video clips rather than long paragraph posts (which can be boring). This is why you need to know how to use Facebook on school wifi – to get what it’s rightfully yours, free access to data, and use of school supplies. 


How Schools Block Your Access To Facebook

So, how exactly does your school block the Facebook website from accessing their computers?

The answer lies with what system administrator is in charge of setting up filters for incoming traffic.  They can edit internet settings so that any attempt at connecting to Facebook gets redirected unfruitfully – effectively cutting off access altogether! When you connect to Wi-Fi at your school everyone on the network is given an IP address. 

The system administrator can edit internet filters so that users attempting to access blocked sites such as Facebook will not be able because it’s been put onto a list of deflected connections from their firewall – meaning they’ll never get past page one. If you want to know how to get on Facebook at school when it’s blocked you need to understand first how the blocking occurs. The main idea is that the firewall can monitor your traffic and block requests to Facebook when it detects them. 

A firewall isn’t the only way schools can block you from using it. The following are other ways that they might do this:


9 Ways To Unblock Facebook At School Or College

  1. Edit host files on the computer

    If you’re lucky enough, the network admins were sloppy and they only blocked Facebook by its URL. What this means is that all we need to do is enter Facebook’s IP address into the address bar. Use a command prompt or terminal ( if you’re a macOS or Linux user ) to search for Facebook’s IP address, this way you can get pass the school block. In this example, we’ll be using google’s DNS and native commands like nslookup or dig ( if you’re using macOS or Linux). 

  2. Access mobile version of Facebook

    If the IP address tip doesn’t work, try accessing Facebook’s mobile website. 

    If that didn’t work and you’re still in need of accessing Facebook from your phone or tablet device then there are two ways to do so: one is by typing “m.facebook.” into the URL bar which will take you directly onto their site regardless if they have blocked certain URLs; another way would be finding out what country code (or cc) number is associated with where they banned users based off different social media platforms – this can help bypass blocks more easily because only select numbers may not apply globally across all websites under a particular provider brand name/catchphrase such as Twitter or others. 

  3. Use Facebook proxies

    Another way how to unblock Facebook is via proxy websites. A web-based service that allows you to bypass location restrictions and surfing anonymity, a proxy site has become an important part of many people’s lives in recent years because it can be used not only for accessing blocked content such as YouTube videos or Twitter feeds; instead, they are also popular tools by which individuals want to hide their identity when browsing online social networks like Instagram without fear of being detected by website owners who might block those sites if one share too much personal data while using them – especially pictures from your current profile picture with other members. While proxy is great to get pass school block and a great way to hide your identity from sites you are trying to gain access to, they don’t always offer encryption like that found on VPNs. Some of them may be easy enough for new users or people with no technical experience while others have daunting interfaces and take forever just load one page!

  4. Use a VPN

    If other methods have failed to get you on Facebook at school when it’s blocked you might consider the next best thing – using a VPN. This is an online service that hides your IP address and allows for bypassing school filters since restrictions won’t apply to this new IP Address – perfect!

    A VPN also encrypts all traffic which means system administrators are not able to see what websites/applications were being accessed by individual users on their network while logged in.  They will only assume everyone was browsing random HTTPS-encrypted pages because that’s how web browsers usually behave when accessing secure content. A quality VPN will provide you with the best VPN encryption and VPN protocols so you’ll be sure that you’re protected from prying eyes while browsing on Facebook. 

  5. Change DNS addresses 

    We have yet another tip on how to unblock Facebook at school. All you need to do, if your school is blocking Facebook on its firewall and not using DNS filtering, like many schools are doing nowadays with the rise of social media popularity among students everywhere. All they have to change their network settings for us users would be editing our computers by changing one thing: The Domain Name Server Connection address which can also be found under “Local Area connection” within Windows System options or Network & Internet panel inside Control Panel depending upon what kind operating system (32 bit vs 64bit). If you’re using another system like macOS or Linux, just edit the resolv.conf file and change your DNS address. 

  6. Use another browser

    Your school may be blocking Facebook from the browser on their computers. If so, downloading another internet-capable browser and installing it to your computer could allow unblocking of Facebook in many cases!

    A more secure way would be by using a USB stick with installation files for browsers that are not blocked at schools such as Chrome or Firefox; This will assure our infiltration doesn’t raise any eyebrows even if administrators were looking into what we’re doing online recently (as long as they won’t notice us clicking install).

  7. Use mobile data

    So you’re caught in a nettle of sorts, unable to access Facebook at school. don’t worry! There are three different options for getting around this: 

    1) turn on your mobile data and browse from there; 

    2) use USB tethering which connects the phone’s charging cable into an open port on one computer so that everything works through its internet connection instead (you’ll need wirelessly connective tissue).

     3) avoid connecting altogether by accessing sites via VPNs or Tor anonymity software. Since we’ve mentioned VPN above, we’d like to emphasize that it’s the safest and clearest choice. 

  8. Use remote access software to access Facebook

    If for some reason you don’t know how to get on Facebook at school when it’s blocked or can’t make it work there is always another solution. Use apps like Anydesk or Teamviewer to access home computers. This way you can access the home browser and benefit from your remote PC’s network and IP address, therefore allowing you access to Facebook or other websites you might want to access but can’t because of school imposed limitations on their network.

  9. Using USB Tethering on Your Phone

    Connect your iPhone or Android phone to your computer. Use the USB charger cable that came with your phone. Enable personal hotspot in phone settings to make sure it passes internet data to your PC. While it’s similar to a hotspot, it’s not via Wifi and it’s a great way to share internet from the phone if your charger is not at your disposal as tethering drains your battery pretty heavily. 

How to Unblock Facebook at School the Wrong Way

How to get into Facebook at school the wrong way ? Use TOR. 

Tor is a great way to stay anonymous on the internet, but it can also get you in trouble with your school administration. Your teachers and network admins might see Tor as one of many tools used by cybercriminals looking for child pornography or other types of prohibited content online. And they’ll know if any student connects directly through their school’s node when using this service because they’ll either use monitoring services designed specifically against anonymity networks like Tor (as an example) or watch out simply based off if there appear to be too many connections coming from just two computers: yours included!

Unblock Facebook at school – top tips

Whatever the reason for blocking Facebook, you can usually get around it by using these tips.  Whether to please parents or make sure students pay attention during class time and bandwidth congestion from a firewall that has been put up in order not only protect your device but also keep things running smoothly on network-level – there are ways around most obstructions!


  1. Edit host files on a computer
  2. Access mobile version of Facebook
  3. Use Facebook proxies
  4. Use a VPN
  5. Change DNS addresses 
  6. Use another browser
  7. Use mobile data
  8. Use remote access software
  9. Use USB tethering 
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