Special Autumn VPN promotion!
Last updated on September 4th, 2019 in Promotions

Last updated on September 4th, 2019 in Promotions
Summer is over, at least for us, sadly. Time to stop thinking about all this cool stuff you did on your holidays and get back to school, university or work. But it does not have to be all that bad. All the VOD platforms that you can unblock with our VPN & Smart DNS have great offers for a cold evening. Soon, you will be able to unblock Disney+ and watch new Star Wars series and more. To make it even better and – most importantly!!! – to keep you safe and anonymous online, we are running special Autumn VPN promotion!
Subscribe now and save up to 50% OFF on any billing cycle of our feature-rich but simple Ninja Power VPN & Smart DNS plan! This is a special, one-off discount for all new clients. Please be aware, that the discount offer is not a recurring one. The lower payment is for your first payment only. So, if you wish to save more, simply sing up for longer period of time.
You do not need any special code to get the discounted price! After registration for our Smart DNS and VPN service, your first payment will be discounted automatically. So, as we just said. Choose the billing period – more months = bigger savings -, subscribe to Ninja Power VPN service and enjoy all your VPN and Smart DNS benefits like online anonymity, data encryption, improved online safety and most importantly freedom.